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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Tan-aw, Kannawidan!


Funnysense 1.

Do you know that I'm not actually pure Ilocano or Iloco? But here I am, pointing out to an event that I wasn't even destined to have an acknowledgement. However, as a partial Ilocano-Ifugao offspring, I should give both the balance for recognition and importance, so there won't be bias happening. Anyway, let's carry on.

The Kannawidan Ylocos Festival is an every year celebration in Ilocos Sur, Philippines, held to commemorate the province's discovery. Furthermore, it primarily highlights the region's rich cultural heritage, customs, and historical significance. The festival itself is typically held every late January, featuring various of activities such as traditional dance performances, religious rites, art exhibitions, and food bazaars. These festival reflects the persevering traditions of the Ilocanos or Ilocos, including their handicrafts and delicious cuisines, as well as their dances and music, preserving the heritage passed down from generation to generation.

Apart from its cultural contributions, Kannawidan is a platform to sustain local enterprises and tourism. The festival attracts people from different parts of the island nation, boosting the local economy and fostering community pride and awareness. Moreover, trade exhibits feature culturally important products such as Vigan longganisa, burnay jars, and the Abel Iloco, thus, providing livelihood and economic security for artisans and entrepreneurs. With such commemoration, Kannawidan honors the past and promotes the development of the province in the meantime and most importantly,the preservation of culture during the contemporary.


(All contents of this post is based on my personal experiences and views)





Saturday, February 15, 2025

Roses are Red, Violet's are Blue, If I would have to choose, it will always be YOU

 The skull of St. Valentine.

"You are the sun that lights up my day, and the stars that brights up my night." —St. Valentine 

Flowers, chocolates, cards, rings, the things that describes a Valentine's Day. In order to to make someone realize their worth, what do we do? Probably, we ought to be materialistic by giving such extravagance and luxury in order to "prove" one was enough. However, does it really count?

Valentine's Day is the universal day of love, intimacy, affections, and et cetera. Personally, I thought to believe it as exclusive for those who have romantic relationship. But as I evolve, I finally denote it's inclusivity. It is a day of happiness, a day for love to thrive from the wasted

times. It is the day of reciprocation; the day of appreciation. And for me to express it, I simply give everyone a bright and ebullient smile, hoping to light up their day.

Ultimately, we value Valentine's Day as somehow aphrodisiac and genuine because of the desire to make everything better for you, him, her, everyone.


(All contents of this post is based on my personal experiences and views)





Friday, February 7, 2025

CBR Beng Beng


Before the month of January, we were already assigned with a topic for our Community-Based Research which the environment and disaster preparedness on our small municipality of Santa Catalina, Ilocos Sur.

Initially, I took the initiative and made our group chat in December and have the planning by January  because I know we can't do it in the last minute and besides, it will serve as our thematic for the 3rd Quarter.

By the month of January, we started  gathering data for our CBR. First, we discussed if we could go out for an interview (police officers, etc.). Although we had discussed about it, I didn't manage to go because there was the perfect errand coincidence at that time and since I was sick with cold apart from the hazy weather by the time. My two other group mates waited us for almost an hour and I apologized for my

Anyway, they did managed to gather their informations about our municipalities
situation in case of natural disasters. Actually, they have a plan for the safe evacuation routes for what being said to be a tsunami threat that almost reaches up to 15 meters tall! Fortunately, it didn't happen, yet.

By the second week of January, we started on making our web page with the raw data gathered. We struggled on doing web page because it seemed that all of us on my team doesn't know or it's their first time to do such. Thankfully, my groupmate's mother is a policewoman and she did a great part on our study by assisting reliable sources and more essential data to be added.

For some time, we gradually think through it and the first USB from one of my team got virus so we had no choice but to buy a new. Our group leader and I bought the "new" USB for the storing of our wep page but surprisingly, during the transfer of files, one of my teammates discovered something odd on the newly bought USB, it has song files on it and we just laugh on it (they deleted them for somehow).

Eventually, we fully inspected our paper and was later on printed for a soft copy. And that's when we thought everything was done, but it's just a portion of our endgame.

(All contents of this post is based on my personal experiences and views)


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

For The Best

Hope. Courage. Ignite.

 I won't make it long, but short yet brief as possible this time. My final takeaways for the Third Quarter is that, if you really desire for something to happen or to occur, then be the first one to take the initiatives because no one will nor would but yourself. Moreover, don't underestimate yourself, if you can't perform something well as perceived, then do repetitions because personally I believe that the more someone is subjected to hardships, the more they get stronger and immune, and they would eventually maneuver the things that they have failed from last time or past. 

As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I saw rocky titanic cliffs, vast still waters, and a field of bowing and pale flowers. The thought of something is arduous without even knowing or taking a trial, the unnerving uncertainty to what is tomorrow's sunrise, and the fear of losing ones saved composure and the earned hopes, the motivation, and aspirations that were once enigmatic and full of deep shades of colors. Those are the major pimples on my skin for this Third Quarter.


To put seal on a wide hole, you would need something tremendous. That something is the realization that there is hope within the most silent night as it gives you the chance to ruminate for your life's wellbeing. Solitude enables someone to ponder of what must be done to correct something else and correct decisions would change your future.


Moving on, I will continue to walk, run, and think to shout for myself. Not to the extent of selfishness, but the belief of courage for everything is possible. Hope, courage, ignite.


(All contents of this post is based on my personal experiences and views)




Gong Hei Fat Choy! Wait, how is that? I don't even have the tiniest blood of a Chinese! Whatever, anyways, wishing you all prosperity in this Chinese New Year 2025!

You probably thought of why do we even care about Chinese New Year though we aren't Chinese at all. Well, let me enlighten you with my personal notions. 

The celebration of Chinese New Year is not exclusively observed by the Chinese, but so the whole world. I believe that we tend to celebrate foreign commemorations because of their value, and the prevailing beliefs that is involved to it. When it comes to the Chinese New Year, we often picture it with gold coins, lavish decorations, the celestial bodies (such the dragon) that symbolizes the year, vivid burst of light in sky or fireworks, and especially the ampaw (red certificate with a money on it). With such, consequently, we hope that luck and prosperity would also enter our homes. So do we, adapting from the effects of multiculturalism and globalization by the shared ideas of other nations!

At last, the observation of Chinese New Year, but also other foreign commemorations or festivities because of multiculturalism and the world-changing impact of the globalization and this gives the ideology of inclusivity and free will to flourish.


(All contents of this post is based on my personal experiences and views)





Tan-aw, Kannawidan!

ILOCOS SUR Funnysense 1. Do you know that I'm not actually pure Ilocano or Iloco? But here I am, pointing out to an event that I wasn...