About Me


Sunday, October 6, 2024


Taking care for the environment is such a crucial movement that must be executed by any. Every move we made has an impact on Earth that we live on. For me, it's never been difficult to make a move, there's such a simple ways to save and care for the environment. On this blog, I will share you my own ways of taking care for the environment, ultimately saving the Earth; trust me, it'll be simple.

Save the electricity. Saving energy or electricity is important. It reduces the usage and the burning of fossil fuels which is the main source of electricity. Only use electricity if necessary, turn it off if not. With this, we can minimize the effects of burning fossil fuels and alleviates pollution of the air.

Do recycling. Recycling is the act of re-using a waste by making a product from it. By this, we can reduce the usage of plastics which is the main contributor of land pollution. It can be also washed through the ocean and eventually harm the life on it. Additionally, plastics are the main material found within landfills and they are burned down and causes air pollution.

Have planting. Plants serves as an oxygen reservoirs through it's natural process to photosynthesize. Plants converts carbon dioxide (the main gas contributor of climate change) to oxygen which is vital for us humans in order to live. The more we plant, the more oxygen we can inhale.

These are some of the convenient ways of mine to save the planet. I hope people would read this and gradually adapt it so we can LET THE EARTH BREATHE!


(All contents of this post is based on my personal experiences and views)



What do you see on the mirror? Now you see me!

The first quarter, a period of joy and class suspensions. Through the course of the quarter, I'm very fond for science, specifically "Earth Science". We discussed various topics and concepts related to the plate boundaries, different ideologies, and we also traveled back to time in all around the world; we're like a "god" for spectating how the world was created. Additionally, I also discovered the history of the "Internet" and many more. One more thing that I learned this quarter is to, make you weakness as your combat, a tower of defense. Lastly, first quarter thought me on how to become persistent, resilient, and having a control over one's time; time is precious so don't let it fade monotonously.

Within the first quarter, the only challenge for me was the lack of time control. There are numerous tasks and hands-on projects which our teachers had gave. Imagine, almost 10 hours a day at school and the rest is all allotted for the remaining tasks; but I'm happy because I can still manage to have an 8-7 hours of sleep per night. Consequently, I can be active during class hours. However, sometimes on the day, I can be very inactive (I feel drowsy, I lack the energy to think) which makes me to unable to concentrate and thus making me difficult to focus and eventually to catch up with the lesson.

The first quarter has a tinge of poignancy of me. I wish I told them the unspeakable, just for them to show a hue of sympathy over me, no. They more prioritize themselves over others. The tantalizing desire for recognition was to powerful for them to withhold. The grudging battle for grades was just hard for them to resist. Grades mean everything to them, the sole determinant of they're future. Sometimes the best thing for me to do is to embrace solitude; peace grants me courage.
Serenity, tranquility, and silence are such powerful words that I have, a weapon for combat; the vessel of wellbeing. How'd you know?, you might ask. Well it's a tough experience for me to had. The war between intelligence is almost palpable on me, though it lies within the obscurity.

  Moving on, I will try to bring back the old me, the more mindful and silent Luis Demetrio M. Rabago. I will try my best to gradually unveil the secrets of my mind, which I can use as a defense; a never-ending pursuit for knowledge. Knowledge is something that binds you as a person, nothing can steal it away from you. And I will continue to this adventure of my life towards the journey for the pursuit of happiness.

(All contents of this post is based on my personal experiences and views)




Dear Teachers, I am writing this to honor and to serve as a gratitude for your relentless hardships to teach us and nurturing us for our future. I know that your work comes from a great responsibility and that is to make us ready for the tomorrow. The tomorrow is the uncertainty of hopes and dreams that we are trying to accomplish or to reach. That is all just a mere ambition without you, a tantalizing quest perhaps. However, you were there, fortunately, there to guide us for our future, you help us, not just us but also the name of our motherland nation. You're bountiful sacrifices would eventually be repaid. The students who were once kid is now an influential figure on the society and trying to have that "better" world for us to indulge.


(All contents of this post is based on my personal experiences and views)




The Philippines is a nation prone to natural disasters due to its geographical location in the Pacific Ring of fire and Typhoon belt. Climate change exacerbates this vulnerabilities, leading to more frequent and severe weather events. In addition, social economic factors such as poverty , urban congestion, and inadequate infrastructure increases the vulnerability of the population to this disasters. The combination of environmental and man-made factors requires a shift towards building a more resilient nation. Every step we make is crucial to address this problem.

The Philippine government and various stakeholders have implemented several measures to strengthen the country’s resilience. The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) has developed comprehensive plans to improve disaster preparedness, response, and recovery efforts. In addition, efforts have been made to integrate climate change strategies into local governance, promote sustainable practices, and strengthen infrastructure. Therefore, this effortful methods would surely guide us to victory.

The lack of sufficient funds and resources hinders effective implementation of the disaster risk reduction initiatives, especially in remote and underdeveloped areas. Political instability and corruption can also jeopardize the consistency and effectiveness of this programs. The ongoing impacts of climate change continues to outpage the country’s adaptation efforts highlighting the need for continued innovation collaboration and commitment to build resilience at all levels of society. In the end, hope will guide us all in coping this struggles and bring us glory in building a more resilient Philippines.




Luis Demetrio Maranion Rabago

Cabaroan, Santa Catalina, Ilocos Sur

August 22, 2024

Dear President Bong Bong Marcos (BBM)

I’ve written to convey the wide range of complicated feelings I have as a Filipino citizen living under your direction. I deeply worry about the path we are taking, especially with regard to issues of justice, transparency, and the welfare of the marginalized, even as I respect your vision for our nation and the heritage you hold. Furthermore, I am also worried about the increasing tension between our Filipino troops and the Chinese troops on the West Philippine Sea. I have love for our country, but I also harbour a rising resentment at the disconnect between expectations and reality. I sincerely hope that you would pay attention to the opinions of the people and steer our dear Philippines in the direction of a future that genuinely benefits everyone.

Sincerely Yours,

Luis Demetrio M. Rabago




Jigsaw Puzzle

I was born here with a purpose, that’s what I thought. My parents named me Luis Demetrio M. Rabago, which is not my choice, but I respect and honor their decision and the name they gave me. Since childhood, I was characterized by my peers and family as a very timid and gay child, that’s their assumptions. Little did they know, I seed was growing to a tree, a glint of hope is being grown, a peek of realization of the world; thus marking the beginning of my gruelling journey and adventure. Movies, news, shows were on it’s peak of admiration among people, and it’s my time to reflect and put myself with it. Unlocking my personal senses, and realization of the human nature which for me to decipher. I only want the truth, of all the truths, to go beyond, even if it means to my demise.

As much of my childhood, it was difficult for me to express myself, making me wonder of who I am. It made me question my entire existence, am I a mere mortal, yes I am. It only worsens when I become a high school freshman. I’m very intimidated with my peers; I still have my composure in check of course. I read books, watch my interest to maintain my confidence. A small act of prudence makes my day bloom with joy as I value anything and view them equally, unprejudiced, and unbiased. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t favor bigotry.

My future is a controversial topic for me. Ever since my childhood, there’s nothing more important to me than my future. I tried to excel and train on anything, but that might make me ambitious, but still i did it. But what’s for sure is when i grow up and get a stable job, nursing particularly, i will work abroad. There, I would get many opportunities and migrate there. If only, I want to go to Spain to thank them on conquering us and sharing their cultures on us. And maybe or eventually, I might find my first and last piece of my jigsaw puzzle life.           





Tan-aw, Kannawidan!

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