About Me


Sunday, October 6, 2024


Taking care for the environment is such a crucial movement that must be executed by any. Every move we made has an impact on Earth that we live on. For me, it's never been difficult to make a move, there's such a simple ways to save and care for the environment. On this blog, I will share you my own ways of taking care for the environment, ultimately saving the Earth; trust me, it'll be simple.

Save the electricity. Saving energy or electricity is important. It reduces the usage and the burning of fossil fuels which is the main source of electricity. Only use electricity if necessary, turn it off if not. With this, we can minimize the effects of burning fossil fuels and alleviates pollution of the air.

Do recycling. Recycling is the act of re-using a waste by making a product from it. By this, we can reduce the usage of plastics which is the main contributor of land pollution. It can be also washed through the ocean and eventually harm the life on it. Additionally, plastics are the main material found within landfills and they are burned down and causes air pollution.

Have planting. Plants serves as an oxygen reservoirs through it's natural process to photosynthesize. Plants converts carbon dioxide (the main gas contributor of climate change) to oxygen which is vital for us humans in order to live. The more we plant, the more oxygen we can inhale.

These are some of the convenient ways of mine to save the planet. I hope people would read this and gradually adapt it so we can LET THE EARTH BREATHE!


(All contents of this post is based on my personal experiences and views)

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