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Thursday, December 5, 2024


"Remnants of a Typhoon"

by Luis Demetrio M. Rabago, a reflection to make.

"Utterly dramatic yet sophisticated"

Second Quarter, the very next phase of a grand school year, a stage of a new hope and success to uphold. Within, I learned various topics from my various school subjects. One of the subjects I found myself subconsciously enthralled were Science (Physics) where I was notified that the object or the image that a mirror produced is virtual, meaning it's not real and I was like "that can't be real" which I soon find fascinating. Another one is the Information Communication and Technology or the ICT, where I learned the formulation and basic functionalities of HTML tags/s, which I soon discovered that they're actually codes. Additionally, the second quarter taught me on how to survive the harsh environmental constraints, and the underlying pressure for academic requirements. Moreover, it also made me adapt and recognize my own sensibility and decisiveness which I would soon harness to take a one large step up to the staircase of my happiness. Lastly, some would say that the Second Quarter was the most "basic" slice of school year ever. Well, guess what, I'm feeling somewhat of a great contradiction to it. 

The Second Quarter, a stage of completion which I presumably thought amiable and tolerable. The Second Quarter had taught me less in comparison to the last First Quarter. This is evident to me because of the prevailing, persevering, and periodic emerging typhoons which really brought me to burden and forlorn. During the course of this occasional typhoons, class and sometimes work in public sectors (which I'm in) were greatly affected by the wrath of human and natural fruit. This "fruit" is a deadly delight or the "bad apple" of the actions of humanity with the daily interactions to nature which seemed to be a wrongdoings. Consequently, I've been such whirlwind, lazy and immersively submerged to my pillow half a day that greatly compromised my mindset, pulling me gradually with the strings of monotony instead of autonomy. I've also felt the Filipino thinking "bahala na", that states "not to worry, you can do it at the last minute" which I was very well driven by and neglecting my somehow successful academical strategies which I used at the first quarter. Lastly, with such reasons, I can tell that a "downfall" and yet "stationary" performance is about to come.

Honestly, I am still pondering on how would I alleviate myself to seal the undesirable perishables, remnants, and reminiscing of the past. However, with the aid of time and experience, I get to know myself a lot more better and realize that being stationary for one's life is a "horrid" choice to make ( I can say it because..this is me, right?).

Moving on, I will encourage myself to be a better person, to be a "grand" human, to get that "best version 2.0" of myself, and most importantly, I shall make or take amendments in order for me to secure the wrench tightly and to tie the bow properly so with that being said, I could finally have a step forward for my ardent pursuit of happiness.

(All contents of this post is based on my personal experiences and views)


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