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Saturday, January 4, 2025

His Delicate Whims (Xmas Edition)(Last Year, Last Month)


The Day After The Tomorrow 


A day after the Christmas Party or the "End-Year program" ,where is a "most memorable" gathering for me, ever since I stepped on-foot with such a prestigious high school. I got the chance of participating the most adorable games from our class officers and I nearly won in the "trip to Jerusalem". With such process of ending our year on our household, my face flustered and this lips curved exaggeratedly and therefore, a chance for my personal whims to thrive.



December 21-24-28-29-30, 2025, such a very protruding day for me to remember. My mind is already clouded with the thought of things to do such as being physically active and emotionally accountable. During the blazing heat of the days, I've got to accommodate with my household responsiblities whole heartedly and thus, staying in shape. During the cold and breezy evenings, before closing these eyes, I try to convince myself to read or just to scan through the complex pages of a book that I heartily possess. Lastly, this is also the day where our visitors got their bags away.



December 25, 2025, the Christmas Day. A very flattering and exhilarating day to remember! We celebrated it with our blood relatives from Manila, different part of Ilocos Sur, Quezon Province, and video-call from Los Angeles, California, USA and The Middle East! We feasted on the voluptuous food that were served and enjoyed the different games that my older cousins had prepared and the winner gets it's prize. Afterwards, we got to our neighbors houses and sang them Christmas songs so they will give us our "Paskua" or "Ampaws" filled with a stacked amount of money while the elderly men ( fathers, uncles, brothers ) gather around a big table and had their drinks or "shots" and sang the video-oke so loudly with pride that it seemed to make the sky rumble. Moreover, we opened our Christmas gifts from our older cousins ( manangs ) and I got a complete set of sketching kit and I'm very thankful that they come it with a surprise! And later that evening, we all gather inside "our" house and unboxed the package form my accountant auntie from The States and we ( of course ) divided our own belongings from where it is given. 



December 26, 2025, after Christmas Day. We go to a quaint seashore cottage at San Sebastian, San Vicente because my cousin's birthday and her parents advanced wedding anniversary. I had enjoyed my half day experience there so cute, from swimming on a pool of seawater with my younger brother, nephews and nieces, to enjoyably relaxing with the satisfyingly yet loud sound of the wave coming back and forth and of course, the munching of foods from yesterday hahahahaha! Shhh, I saw a handsome for me young man at the other cottage that helped us lift our car that got stucked on the loafy and arid sands of the beach and was about the age of legality ( I don't know ), however, unfortunately, I never got the chance to know him because they lately left there so yeah, it's kinda sad to haha. 


December 27, 2025, our barangay Cabaroan, Santa Catalina Fiesta. My godmother ( ninang ) from Santa Cruz, Ilocos Sur and her whole family got their way to our house in a way to celebrate the Fiesta. She, her brother, and mother, gave me their AMPAWS again! And a new clothing for me and my brother to wear, so do my other aunt. I got "shy typed" in the moment as I feel contempt and it was undoubtedly and definitely apologetic. Furthermore, it was the very first time on my life to learn and play the "Monopoly", thank you to my brother and cousin on contributing to my knowing ( I lose hahaha because I'm not that efficient in trading money). 


December 31, 2024, the New Year's Eve. During the Eve (2024), I took my part and helped my mother in the preparation for the "prosperity bowl", and so for the delicious FOODS ( LIES )! All of the sudden and out of the blue or box ( whatever you call it ), I've felt wistful with poignance and remorse and from that very moment, I had realized the things, the actions that I did for the whole year of 2024 and it almost made me shed a tear from these eyes ( Actually, I did cry ) and I wrote those overwhelming thoughts through the pages of my journal or diary ( if they're the same ). I gathered my strongest courage and find the right words to send a new year's greeting for a very special friend of mine in Barcelona, Spain and it made me sober as I accordion it with the countdown and with the loud bursting of vivid fireworks across the skies, the banging of steels, the throwing of silver and cooper coins around the house, and the blowing of mini trumpets inside the neighborhood ( all was to welcome the new year and so do the "swerte" or prosperity and to banish the bad luck and energy inside the house). Afterwards, we thankfully feasted the different festivities on our table and took a family picture. Moreover, it was my first ever time to have a realization that I might be fond of drinking a red wine because it almost taste like a Pepsi with alcohol on it with a pinch of mild citrusy with it. Lastly, I slept and finally releasing a sigh and on the meantime a tears from my eyes at 1 o'clock.



January 1, 2025, the New Year's Day. It was said by the elderly that males should come first to the houses around the neighborhood so they'd bring prosperity or luckiness within that house by delivering gifts of whoever lives there in return for the favor. Furthermore, I made my own New Year's resolutions on my mind with a personal belief that I would execute them consequently. Lastly, upon finding that there will be classes for tomorrow, my body went shrouded, crumbled by the thought of the tumultuous weight of academic obligations because...I'm honestly not ready for it and had hoped that the authority will extend the vacation 'till Monday next week so I can get enough rest from the so-called "Holiday Hungover".

That's all for my experiences inside the jar! Thank you for being with me, your patience is a virtue! Once again, thank you everyone and HAPPY NEW YEAR AND BELATED MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!!!


(All contents of this post is based on my personal experiences and views)



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